Natural Health Surrey & Sussex
Helps with stress
Helps Relieve back pain
Aidscirculation, so helping arthritis and low helps immunity
Helps with problems such as endometriosis
Hormone balance
Lymph drainage
Alleviates sleep problems
Helps to cleanse vital organs like the liver
Helps with digestive problems, (constipation, irritable bowel)
Fiona has found that since practicing reflexology, [from 1996], it has been beneficial not only for her clients but for her family as well.
“When I treat with reflexology it is not just a relaxing treatment I have work your lymphatic system and stimulate the spine and a hormone balance technique. I use aromatherapy oils chosen to suit my Clients' needs at the time, [so that they get the benefit of the oils as well], I give nutritional advice from what I find in their feet and show them yoga excercises to help rebalance their body further. I am now studying Herbal medicine and hope to give you even more helpful tips to improve your health.
I finish my treatment by massaging the head and neck and holdng their Cranial bones for balance. This helps to connect with the meridian lines on both ends of the body."
After a treatment try to drink plenty of natural spring water and avoid stimulants, like coffee, tea, alcohol, to help your body to remove toxins.
Reflexology is a method of activating the healing powers of the body. It's a safe, natural & non-invasive complementary therapy. There are ancient texts, illustrations and artefacts dating from 2350 BC showing us how the early Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Russians and Egyptians worked on the feet to promote good health.
Today many of these same techniques have been developed into a modern scientific method called Reflexology. What joins the old with the new is the long established principle that there are energy lines that run throughout the body [stimulating the 7,000 nerve endings in each foot], which correspond to all the organs, glands, and structural parts of the body.
A build-up of crystallised deposits form on these nerve endings, [uric acid and calcium crystals], which can inhibit the flow of energy to the organs.
Reflexology helps to clear these deposits and improves the circulation to these areas, reducing stress on the body helping it to return to normal peak efficiency. It also works as a great preventative and maintenance treatment for continued good health.
Natural Health